How to Make Cat Food Softer for Easier Eating

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Cats can be notoriously picky eaters. As cat owners, we want to provide our feline friends with nutritious food that they will eagerly devour. However, sometimes cats refuse to eat their dry kibble if it is too hard or crunchy.

How to Make Cat Food Softer for Easier Eating

There are several reasons why cats may turn up their noses at dry food, and learning how to make cat food softer can help encourage finicky cats to eat.

Overview of Softening Dry Cat Food

Dry cat food comes in crunchy bits or kibbles that provide texture and help clean cats’ teeth. However, some cats have difficulty chewing dry food due to dental problems, age, or personal preference. By adding moisture, we can soften the hard kibble to make it easier for cats to eat.

There are several simple, effective ways to soften dry cat food:

  • Soaking in water
  • Adding broth or gravy
  • Mixing with wet canned food
  • Using a blender
  • Adding supplemental oils
  • Mashing or crushing with a fork

The goal is to introduce enough moisture to make the food palatable and digestible, without creating a soggy mess. It is important not to leave softened food out too long, as bacteria can grow quickly. When trying these techniques, observe your cat’s preferences and adjust accordingly.

Now let’s look closer at why cats may need softer food and the benefits it provides.

Key Takeaway: Dry cat food can be softened by adding water, broth, oils, or blending to make it easier for cats to eat. Monitor your cat’s preferences.

Reasons for Softening Dry Cat Food

There are several underlying reasons why cats may refuse dry food or require softer textures:

Dental Issues

Many cats develop dental problems as they age, including:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gingivitis (inflamed gums)
  • Resorption (deterioration beneath the enamel)
  • Broken teeth
  • Tooth loss

Chewing crunchy kibble can become painful for cats with these dental problems. Softening their food makes eating more comfortable.

Difficulty Swallowing

Some cats have difficulty picking up and swallowing dry food. Young kittens are still developing their coordination and motor skills. Senior cats may have deteriorating abilities. Softening the food makes it easier for them to scoop up and swallow.

Transitioning Food Types

When transitioning a cat from wet food to dry or introducing a new diet, it helps to soften the new food at first. This allows the cat to gradually adjust to the new texture and taste.

Fussy Eaters

Finicky felines may reject overly hard or crunchy kibbles. Adding a little moisture can make the food more enticing by releasing aromas.

Dehydration Risk

Dry food contains minimal moisture. Cats need adequate water intake to avoid dehydration. Adding water to their food helps increase their fluid consumption.

Now let’s look at the advantages of offering softer food textures to cats.

Key Takeaway: Common reasons for softening cat food include dental problems, difficulty swallowing, transitioning diets, picky eaters, and dehydration risk.

Benefits of Softer Cat Food

Here are some of the key benefits of softening dry cat food:

Promotes Dental Health

Hard kibble can scrape against painful teeth and gums. Softer food reduces discomfort while eating, helping cats maintain their appetite and weight.

Supports Digestion

Dry food can overwork the salivary glands and dehydrate the internal organs. Adding moisture activates the food’s aroma, makes it easier to break down, and prevents constipation.

Encourages Eating

The extra fluid and released smells of softened food often stimulates a cat’s appetite. This helps finicky cats eat adequate amounts.

Eases Chewing

Tender food is easier for cats with few teeth left or difficulty chewing. They can swallow smaller, moistened pieces more comfortably.

Increases Water Intake

The added fluid in the food helps cats meet their daily water needs, supporting kidney function and reducing risk of urinary problems.

Now let’s look at some step-by-step techniques for softening dry cat food effectively.

Key Takeaway: Benefits of softening dry cat food include improving dental and digestive health, enticing picky eaters, easing chewing, and increasing water consumption.

Techniques for Softening Dry Cat Food

Here are some simple methods to try when softening your cat’s dry food:

Soaking in Water

Soaking kibble softens it by rehydrating the food and releasing aromas.


  1. Place dry food in a bowl. Use the normal amount you would feed.
  2. Add warm water. Use a 1:4 ratio of water to food.
  3. Let soak 5-15 minutes. Time depends on your cat’s preferences.
  4. Drain any excess water before serving to avoid sogginess.
  5. Refrigerate any leftovers and discard after 24 hours.

This produces a moist, tender food while maintaining some texture. Start with 5 minutes and increase soaking time if needed.

Adding Broth or Gravy

For extra flavor and moisture, use broth instead of water. Low-sodium chicken, beef, or fish broth works well.


  1. Add broth to dry food in a 1:4 ratio.
  2. Let soak 5-15 minutes until reaching desired consistency.
  3. Drain excess broth if needed before serving.
  4. Refrigerate leftovers and use within 24 hours.

Check food packaging and consult your vet on appropriate portions when adding broth or gravy.

Mixing Wet and Dry Food

Another option is to mix canned wet food with some dry kibble. The wet food adds flavor and moisture.


  1. Measure out half the normal amount of dry food.
  2. Add half the usual amount of a complementary wet food.
  3. Mix together well until dry food has absorbed some moisture.
  4. Adjust dry to wet food ratios based on your cat’s preferences.

This gives your cat the best of both worlds. Make sure to transition the mixed food slowly if your cat is not used to wet food.

Using a Blender

For cats that need an ultra-soft food consistency, use a blender to puree the kibble.


  1. Add water or broth and let kibble soak 10-15 minutes.
  2. Drain any excess liquid.
  3. Put soaked kibble in blender.
  4. Blend until smooth, adding more liquid if needed.
  5. Serve immediately or refrigerate up to 24 hours.

Blending makes a pate-like food without lumps, ideal for cats with extensive dental issues or difficulty chewing.

Adding Supplemental Oils

Natural oils add moisture and healthy fats while enhancing flavor. Good choices are olive oil, fish oil, or nut oils.


  1. Add 1 tsp oil per 1/4 cup dry food.
  2. Mix until well-coated.
  3. Let sit 2-3 minutes for easier chewing.
  4. Refrigerate leftovers promptly.

Oils help liquefy and soften the kibble. Monitor your cat’s calorie intake when adding oils.

Mashing with a Fork

If you need a quick option, mashing dry food with a fork can break it down into smaller, softer pieces.


  1. Add a small amount of water.
  2. Use a fork to mash and stir the food vigorously.
  3. Continue mashing until reaching a gruel-like texture.
  4. Add more water if needed.

Mashing works best for very small portions. The food may lose texture and become unappetizing if over-mashed.

Now let’s go over some guidelines to follow when softening cat food.

Key Takeaway: Effective techniques for softening dry cat food include soaking in water or broth, mixing with wet food, blending, adding oils, and mashing with a fork.

Best Practices for Softening Cat Food

Here are some best practices to follow when making dry cat food softer:

  • Gradually transition to softened food over several days if your cat is not used to extra moisture.
  • Avoid extremely hot temperatures that could damage nutrients when soaking or microwaving. Check food’s temperature before serving.
  • Use fresh ingredients like purified water and low-sodium broths. Do not use spoiled or contaminated liquids.
  • Refrigerate promptly and discard leftovers within 24 hours to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Start with moderate moisture and increase if needed. Too much liquid will dilute nutrition and flavors.
  • Monitor your cat’s intake as added ingredients can increase calories. Adjust daily feeding amounts accordingly.
  • Clean food dishes thoroughly after each use to prevent harmful bacteria.
  • Consult your veterinarian to address any underlying health issues causing eating problems.

Following these best practices helps ensure softened food is safe and nutritious for your cat.


How long can I leave softened food out?

Discard any uneaten softened food after 20-30 minutes. Bacteria multiply quickly in moist food left at room temperature.

Should I use hot water to soak the food?

Avoid hot water, as it can destroy essential nutrients. Use warm water or allow hot tap water to cool down before pouring over food.

Can I use milk or homemade broth?

Do not use milk, as most adult cats are lactose intolerant. Homemade broth may contain ingredients unsafe for cats, so stick to commercial cat-approved broths.

My cat gobbles food too fast. Will softening help?

Yes, moistening dry food slightly can help prevent your cat from gulping it down too quickly. This gives the body more time to activate the digestion process.

Is it safe to puree dry food in a blender?

Yes, you can blend dry food with added water or broth until smooth. Blending makes it easier for cats with extensive dental issues or difficulty chewing to consume their food comfortably.


Softening dry cat food introduces vital moisture that makes it easier for cats to eat.

Simple techniques like soaking in water or broth, mixing in wet food, or blending can alter the texture without sacrificing nutrition.

There are many health benefits of offering softer food, especially for cats with dental problems or swallowing difficulties.

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Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams

As a proud cat owner, I can't imagine life without my kittens. Ever since I adopted my first cat, Fluffy, as a little girl, I've been hooked on everything cats. Now as an adult, I'm lucky enough to share my home with not one, but three lovable kitties - Fluffy, Mittens, and Tigger. They bring me amusement and comfort with their silly behavior and personalities.

Fluffy, my first cat, is now 15 years old but still acts like a playful kitten. She loves nothing more than a good game of chase the mouse toy or bat the pom poms around the house. Despite her age, she pounces around with astonishing agility. Fluffy also enjoys curling up on my lap for naptime and kneading her paws into my legs as I gently stroke her soft fur.

Mittens and Tigger are brother and sister from the same litter I adopted 5 years ago. They love to play fight, chasing each other and wrestling over toys. Mittens is the more timid one - she likes to hide under the bed when strangers come over. But once she gets comfortable, she'll come out for ear scratches. Tigger, on the other hand, is bold and adventurous. He'll explore any space and make friends with anyone. But at the end of the day, these two are the best of friends and love snuggling up for naps together.

As any cat owner knows, living with cats is a constant adventure. As cat admirer I love sharing my experiences and cat tips with others. Stay tuned for more tales, photos and insights into life with the most marvelous mammals - cats!