How Many Chicken Hearts Can a Dog Eat?

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Chicken hearts are a nutritious source of protein and other essential nutrients for dogs.

How Many Chicken Hearts Can a Dog Eat

However, as with any food, moderation is key when feeding chicken hearts to avoid potential health issues.

An Overview of Chicken Hearts for Dogs

Chicken hearts are an organ meat that provides dogs with highly bioavailable protein and a range of vitamins and minerals. Some key benefits of chicken hearts for dogs include:

  • Excellent source of lean protein – supports strong muscles and overall health.
  • Rich in amino acids like taurine – supports heart and eye health.
  • Good source of B vitamins – aids metabolism and energy.
  • Contains iron, zinc, selenium – supports immune system function.
  • Provides omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids – benefits skin, coat, joints, brain etc.

However, chicken hearts are also high in saturated fat and cholesterol compared to chicken breast or other lean meats. Therefore, moderation is important to maintain balanced nutrition.

Key Takeaway: Chicken hearts offer a powerhouse of nutrition for dogs but should be fed in moderation due to their high fat content.

How Many Chicken Hearts Can a Dog Eat Per Day?

There is no single definitive answer to how many chicken hearts a dog can eat per day. The appropriate amount varies based on the dog’s size, age, activity level and overall diet. Some general guidelines include:

For a small dog (under 20 lbs):

  • 1-2 small chicken hearts 2-3 times per week is typically recommended. This provides health benefits without excess.

For a medium dog (20-50 lbs):

  • 2-3 chicken hearts 2-4 times per week is generally suitable. Larger or active dogs may be able to handle more.

For a large dog (over 50 lbs):

  • 3-5 chicken hearts served 2-3 times per week is common. Very active large dogs may tolerate up to 4-5 times weekly.

The main considerations are:

  • Organ meats like chicken hearts should not exceed 5-15% of overall diet. More causes nutritional imbalance.
  • Feed less for overweight/inactive dogs, more for highly active dogs.
  • Start with smaller amounts and monitor stool quality for diarrhea.
  • Avoid too much fat/cholesterol for dogs with pancreatitis or other conditions.

Consult your veterinarian for advice tailored to your individual dog. Monitor portion sizes carefully and watch for any symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting or weight gain.

Key Takeaway: The number of chicken hearts a dog can eat per day depends on size and activity level. General guidelines are 1-5 hearts 2-4 times per week.

How Frequently Can Dogs Eat Chicken Hearts?

Most veterinarians recommend limiting organ meats like chicken hearts to no more than a few times per week for dogs. The benefits of chicken hearts can be obtained from eating them just 2-4 times per week in most cases.

Eating chicken hearts daily is not recommended for dogs as it could lead to:

  • Excessive fat/cholesterol intake if portions are not restricted. Can cause pancreatitis, obesity and other issues.
  • Potential nutritional imbalances since organ meats contain much higher vitamin/mineral levels than plain muscle meat. Too much can be problematic.
  • Possible weight gain if fed in large quantities since chicken hearts are high in calories.

Some major exceptions where daily feeding may be appropriate include:

  • Puppies – Small amounts daily help support growth and development.
  • High performance dogs – Such as sled dogs that require dense nutrition for energy.
  • Dogs with certain medical conditions – Veterinarians may recommend for conditions like anemia.

Unless your individual dog requires more frequent chicken hearts for a specific health reason, 2-4 times weekly is ideal in most cases. Monitor your dog closely when introducing them to chicken hearts and adjust frequency based on their reaction.

Key Takeaway: Chicken hearts should be fed in moderation, no more than 2-4 times per week for most dogs. Exceptions include growing puppies or dogs with certain medical needs.

How to Prepare Chicken Hearts for Dogs

Chicken hearts can be fed to dogs raw or cooked:

Raw: Has the benefit of preserving nutrients and natural enzymes but increase the risk of bacteria. Only feed free-range, human grade chicken hearts raw. Avoid raw chicken from standard grocery stores due to potential for salmonella.

Cooked: Heating chicken hearts destroys potentially harmful bacteria like salmonella. But some nutrients are also lost when cooking. Lightly cook just until done, avoid overcooking.

Frozen or freeze-dried: Freezing or freeze-drying chicken hearts preserves nutrients while also destroying bacteria. This makes them safer and more nutritious than raw or cooked.

For cooked chicken hearts:

  • Bake, grill, or pan-sear. Do not deep fry.
  • Cook until just opaque throughout – 5 mins high heat or 170°F internal temperature.
  • Chop/dice cooked hearts into bite-size pieces for dogs.
  • Save any juices from cooking to pour over food for added flavor and nutrients.

Avoid seasoning with onion, garlic, salt or other spices that are unsafe for dogs. Plain, lightly cooked chicken hearts are healthiest.

For raw feeding:

  • Thaw frozen raw chicken hearts before feeding.
  • Chop larger hearts into pieces appropriate for your dog’s size.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before and after handling to prevent bacteria spread.
  • Closely monitor dogs fed raw and look for signs of illness.

Either cooked or raw, always supervise dogs when eating chicken hearts to prevent choking hazards. Remove bones if giving bone-in chicken hearts.

Key Takeaway: For safety, lightly cook chicken hearts instead of feeding raw. Frozen or freeze-dried is also safer. Chop hearts into bite-size pieces before feeding.

Potential Concerns with Chicken Hearts for Dogs

While chicken hearts offer nutritional benefits, some potential risks include:

High in fat and cholesterol: Excessive intake could lead to obesity, pancreatitis, heart disease. Stick to recommended portions.

Raw safety hazards: Raw chicken risks salmonella, E.coli and other bacteria-related illness. Cook or freeze-dry raw hearts.

Vitamin A toxicity: Chicken hearts are extremely high in vitamin A. Too much vitamin A can cause bone/joint abnormalities and other issues.

Gastrointestinal upset: Any new food can cause loose stools or diarrhea. Introduce slowly and monitor stools.

Allergies: Chicken protein allergies can develop in some dogs, causing itching, ear infections and skin issues. Discontinue if allergy signs appear.

Choking hazards: Inhaled bones or large pieces of chicken hearts can lead to dangerous choking situations. Always supervise feeding.

While chicken hearts can be part of a healthy diet for dogs, be cautious about portions and frequency to avoid problems. Seek veterinary advice if any concerns arise after feeding.


Can puppies eat chicken hearts?

Yes, chicken hearts are an excellent supplement for growing puppies due to their high protein and nutrient levels. Feed small amounts daily or every other day. Adjust portions regularly as your puppy grows.

Is it safe to feed chicken hearts everyday?

No, chicken hearts should not make up more than 5-15% of a dog’s diet. Too much organ meat can cause nutritional excesses and imbalances over time. Stick to moderation.

What happens if my dog eats too many chicken hearts?

Eating too many chicken hearts could cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive weight gain or vitamin A toxicity. Immediately contact your vet if your dog eats a large quantity of chicken hearts.

Can I cook chicken hearts in the oven for my dog?

Yes, baking chicken hearts in the oven is a healthy cooking method for dogs. Bake at 350°F on a lightly greased pan until cooked through – about 8-10 minutes. Chop the hearts and serve.

Can I freeze chicken hearts for longer storage?

Absolutely. Freeze raw chicken hearts for 3-6 months maximum. Or cook and chop chicken hearts then freeze for 1-3 months in an airtight container. Thaw in fridge before feeding.


Chicken hearts offer a powerhouse of nutrition and make an excellent supplemental food for dogs. However, moderation is vital – no more than 2-4 times per week in appropriate portion sizes. Monitor your dog’s reaction closely when introducing this new food.

Light cooking, freezing or freeze-drying chicken hearts reduces risks and retains nutrients for optimal canine health benefits. With some safety precautions, chicken hearts can be a nutritious addition to your dog’s diet.

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