Can Cats Eat Octopus?

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Octopus is growing in popularity as a seafood delicacy across the world. Their unique taste and texture make them a prized ingredient. As more people enjoy octopus dishes, cat owners may wonder if they can share a bit of this seafood with their feline friends.

Can Cats Eat Octopus

Cats are known to beg for human food, especially anything that smells fishy. You may have seen your cat eagerly waiting under the table when you eat sushi. So, can cats eat octopus?

The short answer is yes, cats can eat octopus in small amounts as an occasional treat. Octopus does provide some nutritional benefits for cats. However, there are also some risks with feeding octopus to cats that need careful consideration.

What Is Octopus?

Let’s start by looking at what exactly octopus is. Octopus is a soft-bodied marine invertebrate belonging to the mollusk family. There are over 300 species of octopus, ranging greatly in size.

Some key facts about octopus:

  • Octopuses have 8 arms and bulbous heads. The arms contain muscular suckers to help grab prey.
  • They inhabit oceans worldwide, with the majority of species living in coral reefs.
  • Octopuses are carnivores that eat mainly crustaceans, fish, and shellfish. Their beaks can deliver a nasty bite.
  • Their ink sac allows them to squirt ink to evade predators. The ink obscures vision similar to squid ink.
  • Octopuses are highly intelligent, known for their problem-solving skills and ability to escape enclosures.
  • The largest octopus species is the giant Pacific octopus, weighing up to 110 lbs.
  • Common edible species are the common octopus, musky octopus, and lesser Pacific striped octopus.

Octopus is a nutritious mollusk that offers a unique taste and textural experience eaten by humans across the globe. Let’s now look at whether cats can benefit from this seafood as well.

Can Cats Eat Octopus?

Now that we know more about what octopus is, we can better understand whether cats can eat it.

As obligate carnivores, cats require a high-protein diet rich in animal-derived nutrients. Fish and seafood can provide healthy fats and amino acids for cats. This means that octopus is not necessarily off limits or toxic to cats as part of an overall balanced diet.

However, there are some important considerations when it comes to feeding octopus to cats:

  • Octopus should always be cooked thoroughly and properly cleaned before serving. The raw form poses safety risks.
  • It should only be an occasional treat in a small amount, not a regular part of the diet.
  • Risks like allergies, GI upset, and choking should be monitored.
  • Certain parts like the beak must be removed to prevent choking.

Yes cats can eat octopus, but only if pet owners take precautions to mitigate risks and feed it properly. It should not become a staple food. Let’s look closer at the nutritional profile of octopus to understand its potential upsides and downsides for cats.

Octopus Nutrition for Cats

Here is the nutrition breakdown for a 100g raw serving of octopus:

  • Calories: 82
  • Protein: 15g
  • Fat: 1g
  • Carbs/Fiber: 2g/0g

Octopus is also a great source of:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus

This nutrition profile shows that octopus offers a good amount of protein, minerals, and B vitamins for cats. The low-fat high-protein content makes it appealing. The minerals like iron, zinc, and copper support immune health and metabolism.

However, raw octopus also contains more than the recommended mercury limit for humans. Heavy metal toxicity is a big concern with feeding octopus to cats. High mercury levels can cause neurological damage even in small amounts for cats.

Therefore, the positive nutritional aspects of octopus come with risks of toxicity if cats eat too much. Moderation and proper sourcing of low-mercury octopus is crucial.

Now let’s look closer at the specific benefits and risks of octopus for cats.

Potential Benefits of Octopus for Cats

When prepared properly and fed occasionally, here are some of the benefits cats can gain from eating octopus:

Excellent Source of Protein

Octopus is low in fat yet high in protein, providing an optimal protein profile for cats. The protein supports muscle growth and cardiovascular health. Many commercial cat foods are also made with fish, demonstrating the suitability of seafood protein sources.

Supports Immune System

The zinc and selenium in octopus boost antioxidant activity to support a healthy feline immune system. The copper helps form red blood cells to transport oxygen. Overall immune health means less risk of common illnesses.

May Improve Skin and Coat

The omega-3 fatty acids in octopus may provide benefits for a glossy coat and healthy skin when occasionally fed to cats. The zinc also helps with tissue repair. This can reduce shedding and itchiness when cats eat some octopus.

Enhances Cognitive Function

The B vitamins in octopus, especially vitamin B12, help support neurological functions. This can boost cognitive abilities, memory, and learning for cats. More studies are needed, but the vitamin profile indicates brain-boosting effects.

So in moderation, the nutritional profile of octopus appears to offer some benefits for cats. As with any human food, it should not become a dietary staple. But as an occasional treat, the protein, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins can complement your cat’s normal diet.

Now let’s look at the possible downsides and risks.

Risks and Concerns With Feeding Cats Octopus

While octopus can be nutritious for cats, there are some important risks and concerns to consider:

Choking Hazard

The suckers and arm texture of octopus poses a choking risk. Cats may try to swallow larger chunks, which can get stuck in the esophagus or elsewhere along the digestive tract. This requires immediate veterinary attention.

To mitigate this risk, octopus fed to cats should be cut into tiny, bite-sized pieces. The beak also needs full removal. Supervision is advised to monitor choking.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

As mentioned earlier, octopus tends to have high mercury concentrations. The small size of cats means heavy metal toxicity builds up quicker than in humans. Neurological disorders, organ damage, and even death can occur from mercury poisoning.

Only feed cats octopus from trusted sustainable sources that limit mercury levels. But toxicity may still occur from regular feeding. Moderation is key.

Allergic Reactions

Some cats may be allergic to octopus or develop sensitivities over time. Symptoms like itchiness, hives, swelling, and gastrointestinal issues can indicate an octopus allergy. Discontinue feeding if any allergic reaction is observed.

Parasites and Bacteria

Raw or undercooked octopus may contain dangerous parasites like roundworms or bacteria like salmonella and E. coli. These can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and other problems. Proper cooking kills any parasites or bacteria present.

Nutritional Imbalances

While octopus offers useful nutrition, it does not provide complete balanced nutrition like commercial cat foods. Overfeeding may lead to nutritional deficiencies long-term. It should only supplement a nutritionally balanced diet.

High Calorie Content

The high-fat protein content also makes octopus very calorie dense. Overfeeding may lead to weight gain in cats. Obesity stresses the heart, joints, and metabolism of cats. Moderation is key.

By keeping servings small and preparing octopus properly, these risks can be reduced to a safe level. But it highlights the importance of octopus just being an occasional treat. Next we will look at how to prepare octopus for cats to maximize benefits and minimize risks.

How to Prepare Octopus for Cats

Preparing octopus correctly helps remove risks and make it palatable for cats:

Choose Fresh High-Quality Octopus

Select fresh raw octopus within 2 days of catching. Frozen octopus works too. Avoid pre-cleaned octopus, and opt for whole octopus when possible. This gives you full control over preparation.

Also choose sustainably caught octopus with low mercury levels. The country of origin matters – Atlantic octopus tends to be lower in mercury than Pacific.

Clean Thoroughly

Rinse the octopus under cold water. Use a sharp knife to remove the head, innards, and ink sac. The beak also needs complete removal. Removing all these parts prevents choking hazards.

Cook Fully

Octopus must be fully cooked to kill bacteria and parasites. Boiling, baking, or grilling are best cooking methods. It should be opaque and reach an internal temperature of at least 145°F on a meat thermometer.

Avoid raw, undercooked, or fried octopus. Frying adds unnecessary oils and calories.

Cut Appropriately

Chop the cooked octopus into tiny, dime-sized pieces. Avoid any long chunks or whole tentacles which pose a choking risk. Remove any remaining hard bits or suction cups.

Serve Plain

Do not season the octopus, as many herbs and spices are toxic to cats. Garlic, onion, chives, thyme, pepper and other seasonings can be dangerous. Only feed plain cooked octopus to cats.

Following this proper preparation minimizes the risks of octopus for cats. Now let’s look at appropriate serving sizes.

How Much Octopus Can Cats Eat?

When introduced to octopus, start with just a few tiny pieces, equivalent to less than a tablespoon. Monitor your cat for any signs of digestive upset or allergies.

If the initial small serving is well tolerated, over the next weeks you can gradually increase portion sizes. But a conservative rule of thumb for adult cats is:

  • Maximum 1-2 small pieces per week
  • Pieces should be less than 1/2 inch diameter
  • Total weekly serving should be less than 1 oz

For a 10 lb cat, this would equal only 1-5 calories per day from octopus. Any more risks nutritional imbalances and toxicity over time. Remember octopus is very calorically dense.

Kittens under 12 months old should avoid octopus altogether due to choking risks and developing bodies. For senior cats with sensitivity, also stick to minimal servings.

If your cat ever experiences vomiting, diarrhea, itching or other signs of reaction to the octopus, stop serving it immediately. Only reintroduce if the reaction fully resolves and you get veterinary approval first.

While octopus can be an occasional treat, for regular meals it’s best to rely on commercially balanced cat foods. Here are some better alternatives to octopus for cats that you can routinely feed.

Healthier Alternatives to Octopus for Cats

While octopus is okay for cats in moderation, there are healthier alternatives you can feed more regularly including:

  • Chicken or turkey: Plain boiled chicken provides similar protein benefits without heavy metal risks. It’s easier to digest than octopus.
  • Canned tuna or salmon: Low-sodium varieties offer omega-3s while limiting mercury exposure. Check for allergies first.
  • Beef or pork: Lean meat options cooked plain that are high in protein without toxins.
  • Eggs: Scrambled eggs provide thick protein along with biotin for skin health.
  • Shrimp: Small plain shrimp makes for a nutritious treat without toxins. Ensure thorough cooking.

These alternatives are safer for regular feedings. When choosing canned wet foods, prioritize grain-free low carb options. Dry kibble should be high protein low carb as well.

Consult your vet if making major diet changes. But varying protein sources is healthy while relying on cat-specific foods for balanced nutrition, instead of octopus.

Key Takeaway: Chicken, fish, eggs, and lean red meat make for healthier regular alternatives over octopus for cats. High-protein, low-carb cat foods should form the diet foundation.


Is octopus poisonous to cats?

Octopus is not directly poisonous to cats, but undercooked octopus may contain naturally occurring toxins. Proper cooking neutralizes any potential toxins. However, octopus does tend to contain heavy metals like mercury which can poison cats in high quantities. This is why only small, occasional servings are recommended.

Do cats like the taste of octopus?

Many cats enjoy the unique taste and texture of octopus, especially if they regularly eat fish. The strong smell of octopus entices cats as well. However, some picky cats may dislike the chewy, sticky mouthfeel. Monitor your individual cat’s preferences.

Can I feed my cat canned octopus?

It’s best to avoid canned, pre-prepared octopus products for cats. These often contain additives and flavorings that may be dangerous for cats, such as onions, garlic, and excess sodium. For safety and freshness, choose raw whole octopus and cook it plainly yourself in cat-safe methods.

Is it safe to feed cats raw octopus?

Raw octopus should never be fed to cats, as it may harbor harmful bacteria like salmonella or parasites. The raw form also contains natural toxins destroyed by cooking. Only thoroughly cooked octopus is safe for cats to consume, provided it is still cut into tiny pieces to prevent choking.

Can kittens eat octopus?

Kittens should not eat any octopus until at least 12 months old. The choking risk is too great for developing cats. Kittens also need very precise balanced nutrition not found in human foods like octopus. Once matured, small amounts of prepared octopus can be trialled, but start with just a bite.

Are octopus suction cups dangerous for cats?

The suckers on octopus tentacles pose a choking risk and can get lodged in the esophagus or digestive tract. This is why it is critical to finely chop any cooked octopus into rice-sized pieces before feeding to cats. All hard beaks or other remaining parts must be fully removed as well. Proper preparation is key to safety.


Octopus provides protein, nutrients, and healthy fats to cats when included in the diet occasionally. But the high mercury levels mean it cannot be a regular part of a cat’s diet. Choking hazards and digestive issues are also a possibility if not prepared properly in tiny pieces.

While octopus can be fed to cats in moderation, there are safer alternatives for regular cat nutrition. Follow vet advice and proper preparation methods to reduce risks. Overall, octopus makes for an occasional protein-packed treat cats will enjoy, as long as pet owners exercise caution and balance it within a nutritious feline diet.

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Sarah Williams
Sarah Williams

As a proud cat owner, I can't imagine life without my kittens. Ever since I adopted my first cat, Fluffy, as a little girl, I've been hooked on everything cats. Now as an adult, I'm lucky enough to share my home with not one, but three lovable kitties - Fluffy, Mittens, and Tigger. They bring me amusement and comfort with their silly behavior and personalities.

Fluffy, my first cat, is now 15 years old but still acts like a playful kitten. She loves nothing more than a good game of chase the mouse toy or bat the pom poms around the house. Despite her age, she pounces around with astonishing agility. Fluffy also enjoys curling up on my lap for naptime and kneading her paws into my legs as I gently stroke her soft fur.

Mittens and Tigger are brother and sister from the same litter I adopted 5 years ago. They love to play fight, chasing each other and wrestling over toys. Mittens is the more timid one - she likes to hide under the bed when strangers come over. But once she gets comfortable, she'll come out for ear scratches. Tigger, on the other hand, is bold and adventurous. He'll explore any space and make friends with anyone. But at the end of the day, these two are the best of friends and love snuggling up for naps together.

As any cat owner knows, living with cats is a constant adventure. As cat admirer I love sharing my experiences and cat tips with others. Stay tuned for more tales, photos and insights into life with the most marvelous mammals - cats!