How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Pine Cones

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Pine cones are a common sight in yards and on walks, especially during fall and winter.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Pine Cones

But while they may seem harmless, pine cones can actually pose a major health risk for curious dogs who decide to chew or eat them.

Overview of Pine Cones and Dogs

Before diving into the risks and solutions, let’s start with a quick overview of why pine cones appeal to dogs and what exactly they are.

  • What Are Pine Cones? Pine cones are the seed pods of pine trees. They contain the reproductive seeds of the tree. Pine cones have a woody, scaled exterior that protects the seeds inside.
  • Why Do Dogs Like Them? Dogs are attracted to pine cones for a few reasons:
    • They have an interesting scent from pine oils that attracts dogs.
    • The sap on pine cones also has an intriguing taste.
    • Pine cones provide a satisfying crunch when chewed.
    • Puppies may find pine cones soothe sore gums during teething.
    • Pine cones are ubiquitous, providing ready entertainment on walks.
  • Are Pine Cones Toxic? The pine cone itself is non-toxic. However, pesticides, sap, and pine needles can pose health risks. The sharp scales also present a physical danger.

Now that you understand why pine cones appeal to dogs, let’s look at the potential dangers of dogs eating them.

Key Takeaway: Pine cones contain oils, sap, and pesticides that can harm dogs if ingested. Their sharp scales also pose a physical risk.

Health Risks of Dogs Eating Pine Cones

Pine cones may not be poisonous per se, but they can still harm your dog’s health in several ways if ingested. Here are the main risks and symptoms to watch for.

Gastrointestinal Blockages and Damage

The biggest risk of dogs eating pine cones is potential gastrointestinal obstruction or damage. Pine cones have a woody, bulky texture that can get lodged in the digestive tract.

  • The esophagus, stomach, or intestines could become blocked, preventing proper digestion. This can have life-threatening complications if left untreated.
  • Pine cone scales are also very sharp. They can scratch and puncture the sensitive tissues of the throat, stomach, or intestines, causing lacerations or internal bleeding.
  • Signs of gastrointestinal blockage or injury include:
    • Repeated vomiting
    • Loss of appetite
    • Straining to pass stool with no result
    • Abdominal pain
    • Abdominal swelling
    • Lethargy
  • These require immediate veterinary attention to diagnose and treat obstruction or internal wounds. Surgery may be necessary in severe cases.

Choking Hazard

In addition to bowel obstructions, pine cones pose a choking hazard if they become lodged in the throat. Choking can quickly become life-threatening by blocking the airway.

  • Signs of choking include:
    • Pawing at the mouth
    • Drooling
    • Gagging
    • Breathing difficulty
    • Blue gums
  • You need to act quickly to clear the airway if choking occurs. Learn how to safely perform the Heimlich maneuver on a choking dog. Calling emergency services is also recommended.

Pesticide Poisoning

Another danger of pine cone ingestion is the potential for pesticide poisoning. Pine trees, especially in neighborhoods and parks, are often treated with insecticides, herbicides, or fertilizers.

  • Chemical residue can adhere to fallen pine cones. If a dog eats a pine cone, they may ingest these toxic chemicals.
  • Pesticide poisoning can cause:
    • Drooling
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Dilated pupils
    • Seizures
    • Coma
  • Seek veterinary help immediately if poisoning is suspected. Quick treatment is vital.

Intestinal Injury from Pine Needles

Pine needles are often interspersed between pine cone scales. The stiff, pointed needles can penetrate and puncture the intestinal lining if swallowed. This causes:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting
  • Bloody diarrhea

Allergic Reaction

The sap and pine oils present in pine cones can also cause an allergic reaction in sensitive dogs. This may result in:

  • Itchy skin
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the face and throat
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

If a severe reaction occurs, such as swelling or trouble breathing, seek emergency veterinary care.

Now that you understand why pine cones are dangerous for dogs, let’s look at steps you can take to prevent your dog from eating them.

Key Takeaway: Pine cones pose many risks if eaten, from blockages and choking to pesticide poisoning. Know the signs of a problem.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Pine Cones

The best way to handle the pine cone problem is through training and environmental management. Here are some tips to stop your dog from munching on pine cones during playtime or walks:

Pick Up Pine Cones

The easiest solution is to remove temptation by picking up any pine cones in your yard. Using a rake to gather fallen pine cones gets them out of your dog’s reach. This is especially important during fall and winter when more cones litter the ground.

You can also bring a bag on walks to collect pine cones along your route and dispose of them. Removing easy access prevents opportunistic pine cone noshing.

Use a Leash

Keep your dog on a leash during walks when pine cones may be present. You can then intercept and redirect your dog if they start moving toward a pine cone for investigation. The leash limits their access and keeps them close for supervision.

Train “Leave It”

One of the best commands you can teach your dog for pine cone avoidance is “Leave it.”

  • Start by teaching them to leave a treat or toy when told.
  • Practice the command when you spot pine cones on the ground during a walk. Reward your dog with praise or a treat when they obey.
  • With consistency, your dog will learn to walk by without touching pine cones when told to “Leave it.”

Use Bitter Spray

You can also discourage chewing by spraying pine cones with a bitter, unpleasant taste. There are commercial anti-chew sprays designed for this purpose. You can spray fallen pine cones in your yard. The nasty taste helps teach your dog that pine cones aren’t a desirable snack.

Try Distraction

Distract your dog from pine cones by engaging them with a toy or game during walks when pine cones may be present. Tossing a ball or playing tug-of-war focuses their interest on a more suitable, safer activity.

Seek Professional Help

For persistent pine cone problems, seek help from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can evaluate your dog’s behavior and offer specialized training techniques to curb the pine cone habit. Getting expert guidance can be invaluable for stubborn cases.

With patience and consistency using these methods, you can break your dog’s pine cone fixation. Next, let’s go over what to do if an accident happens and your dog manages to eat some pine cone.

Key Takeaway: Pick up pine cones, use a leash for supervision, teach “leave it,” spray cones with deterrents, and distract your dog with other activities.

What to Do If Your Dog Eats a Pine Cone

Hopefully the preventive measures above will be sufficient to stop pine cone snacking. But occasionally a slipped leash or incomplete training means an accidental ingestion still occurs. Here is what you need to do if your dog scarfs down a pine cone before you can intervene:

Remove Remaining Pine Cone

If your dog currently has a pine cone in their mouth but hasn’t swallowed it, take immediate action. Carefully pry open their mouth to remove any remaining pine cone pieces. Watch your fingers near their rear molars.

Don’t try to pull pine cone fragments from the throat area. This may push them farther down. And don’t induce vomiting, as this can further lodge obstructions.

Monitor for Symptoms

Once the pine cone has been swallowed, carefully monitor your dog for any symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, allergic reaction, or pesticide poisoning. Look for:

  • Repeated vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain or swelling
  • Straining to defecate
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Facial swelling
  • Hives
  • Trouble breathing

Take note if symptoms appear within the next 2-3 days. Pine cone pieces can take some time to fully pass through the intestinal tract.

Call Your Veterinarian

If any concerning symptoms develop after pine cone ingestion, call your veterinarian right away. Describe the incident and your dog’s current condition.

Based on your report of symptoms, they will advise you on next steps. This may involve:

  • Inducing vomiting if recently swallowed
  • X-rays to check for blockages
  • IV fluids for dehydration
  • Monitoring at home
  • Surgical removal if severely obstructed

Don’t try home treatments without consulting your vet first. Their guidance is important following foreign body ingestion.


Can I make my dog vomit after eating a pine cone?

You should not induce vomiting at home. Your vet needs to assess the situation first, as vomiting could push an obstruction lower in the gastrointestinal tract if present.

How long after eating a pine cone will my dog show symptoms?

Symptoms may appear within hours if an obstruction is present. But it can take 12-24 hours for signs of pesticide poisoning. Monitor closely for at least 2-3 days.

Can X-rays show pine cones in a dog’s stomach or intestines?

Yes, abdominal X-rays can often detect pine cones and help diagnose a blockage. Vets will look for obvious foreign objects. However, pine cones don’t always appear on X-rays.

How is an intestinal blockage from pine cones treated?

If obstructed, surgery is usually required to remove the blockage and check for internal injury. IV fluids, antibiotics, and pain medication may also be given as supportive care.

With quick action and veterinary guidance, most dogs recover fully after pine cone mishaps. Being aware and vigilant is key.


While pine cones attract dogs, they can be extremely dangerous if ingested. Their woody texture and sharp scales pose major risks of gastrointestinal blockages, choking, intestinal damage, pesticide poisoning, and allergic reactions.

Prevention is vital through environmental management, supervision on leashes, “leave it” training, and distraction with appropriate chew toys or activities. If an accidental ingestion occurs, monitor for concerning symptoms and contact your veterinarian promptly.

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